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Cultivation Planning

Cultivation Planning is of great importance in the horticulture sector or greenhouse environment. Past results do guarantee future performance. Using historical data and crop planning, Greenie determines the space, cuttings, time, and costs required for your next crop. Greenie is specifically designed for the planning of various plants and flowers. Our Cultivation Planning tool specializes in measuring from cuttings to pot.

Sow the seeds first, then reap the harvest

Even more on cultivation planning? Learning to grow better? Investment? When to choose Greenie?


Cultivation Registration

Measurement is knowledge, especially in the nursery. By recording everything, you gain full control over your greenhouse operations. All the data you need is recorded in your crop planning tool. Greenie records, organizes, and analyzes every step in the growth process:

  • Actions taken
  • Locations used
  • Choice of suppliers

By recording this information daily, you gain clear insights into your crop planning on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. This process leads to positive changes within your company. Curious to learn more?


Improve cultivation

We collect, visualize, and transform data into insights through our direct connection with Power BI. You can do it yourself, or we can help you with that. Take a look at some examples of how this works in practice.